Contextual advertising audit

Contextual advertising audit

An audit of contextual advertising is a detailed analysis of advertising campaigns in Google Ads or Yandex.Direct, which allows you to detect and then eliminate problems or deficiencies. This helps the brand become recognizable, increase sales and reduce the cost per lead.

The success of the campaign depends on how the campaign is set up: if it is correct - get customers, if with errors - drain the budget and look at the low conversion. Setting up online advertising itself requires special preparation and sequence of actions in the personal account.

"Informed - armed. After receiving the results, you can investigate, fix and prevent similar problems from occurring again. You will get ahead of the competition faster than they know it. "

How is analysis useful for business and sales?

There is a paid and free online advertising audit. Paid is usually carried out manually, where a specialist tries to detect even minor problems. In free, only services are used, and the results are not amenable to manual processing.

Analysis of advertising campaigns in Yandex and Google allows :

  • discover the weaknesses of the RC;
  • reduce the cost of leads at the same cost;
  • increase the number of sales;
  • find out the competitors' budget for contextual advertising;
  • increase KPI;
  • get recommendations on how to fix problems;
  • get information about the methods and activities of competitors;
  • to raise pages in the search results of Google and Yandex.

"An interesting and competent announcement - the interest of the target audience - sales growth and KPI - an increase in positions in search engines."

What is included in the audit of Google Ads and Yandex.Direct?

  1. Account audit :
  • the budget, geo targeting is being revised;
  • checking the position and frequency of keywords, groups, negative keywords;
  • analysis of campaigns, their positions, effectiveness;
  • assigning a rate to change them, reducing the cost of a lead;
  • expansion of the ad.
  1. Working with analytics systems :
  • checking the indicators of the advertising campaign;
  • calculating the percentage of bounces, lost impressions;
  • checking data transmission, displaying ads in the system;
  • analysis of other indicators and components.
  1. Conclusion :
  • a detailed report on the errors found;
  • recommendations for their elimination;
  • precautionary measures.

3 common mistakes in PPC advertising

  1. No mobile version of the ad ... According to Yandex research, 58% of users make purchases via a smartphone. Count for yourself how much you are losing. In Yandex.Direct, just check the box next to "Mobile ad".
  2. Lack of quick links ... They allow you to get more traffic and attract the attention of users.
  3. Negative keywords are not spelled out ... These word groups allow you to serve your ad for keywords only. The lack of negative keywords in the campaign leads to additional costs.

"Company" ”provides various services for setting up contextual advertising and its audit. If there is no time to figure it out - contact our agency! "